2019-03-16 HIRO Lab Field Trips

2019-03-16 HIRO Lab Field Trips

In February and March, Professor Li and some HIRO lab members went to the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH, and Brown University in Providence, RI, to visit labs with similar research focuses.

Professor Li delivered a seminar at UNH about research at the HIRO lab. She and her students also had the opportunity to see the exciting work happening at UNH and  exchange research strategies.

Professor Li and HIRO lab members visited Brown University to see HIRO alumnus Max and exchange research ideas and techniques with the Robotics group. Professor Li and Brown Professor George Konidaris have worked together in the past, and Konidaris’ work was extended by Max and Heramb last fall (look for a paper soon!). The Brown Robotics Lab has a wealth of robot control interface experience, and lab members had the opportunity to play around with an augmented reality control interface developed at Brown.

Professor Li experiments with the AR teleoperation interface at Brown University Robotics Lab

Professor Li experiments with the AR teleoperation interface at Brown University Robotics Lab, while Heramb asks more about the implementation.

The HIRO lab looks forward to more field trips in the future, and welcomes other labs to come visit us in Worcester!

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