2018-11-05 The Future of Science

2018-11-05 The Future of Science

This semester, the HIRO lab is lucky to have two high school interns! Izzy and Ale, along with their undergraduate mentor Caroline, are helping Alexandra with the human perception study.


Alexandra goofs off while Caroline, Ale, and Izzy prepare for another human motion study.

Ale and Izzy were selected from a very competitive pool of high school women by WPI’s Pre-Collegiate Outreach Program to work alongside Caroline (a Bio-Medical Engineering student) and Alexandra to learn about scientific research and getting a degree (or 3) in STEM fields. Check out their interviews below!


At this point, what do you think you want to study in college?

I want to go to medical school to become a surgeon.

What’s something you’ve learned while working in the HIRO lab?

I learned how to use a computer program to record people moving.

If you could use the Vicon system for anything, what would you want to record?

I would want to record a surgery.


At this point, what do you want to study in college?

Biomedical Engineering and Business

What’s something you’ve learned while working in the HIRO lab?

I learned how to analyze data and present it.

If you could design any kind of robot, what would you design it to do?

A fire-fighting robot that couldn’t get hurt.


At this point, what do you think you want to study in [the rest of] college?

I want to study cancer biology and earn an MD/PhD.

What’s something you’ve learned while working in the HIRO lab?

How much effort goes into improving each aspect of robot performance.

If you could go back in time and tell your high school self anything, what would you say?

Grades do not determine your future!

A big thank you to these ladies for all their help!

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