MQP 2020

MQP 2020

While the end to this academic year took an unexpected turn, our MQP students have still been working hard on their reports and presentations. Since the entirety of D term was remote, experiments were cut short but still Annalise Robidoux and Emily Flavin produced fantastic work. They both presented their work at the Biology and Biotechnology V[irtual]-Project Presentation Day this past week.

Emily studied the impact of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and averse responses in her project “Understanding the Impact of SSRIs on Avoidance Behaviors in Caenorhabditis elegans,” emphasizing the relevance of this drug class in worms and beyond.

Annalise furthered the epigenetic work of Emily McGlame and Isabella Garver in “Epigenetic Reprogramming Prompts Hereditable Behavioral and Genetic Changes in C. elegans.” Investigating the role of neurotransmitters, metabolomics, and epigenetic reprogramming, Annalise received 2nd place for her presentation at the BBT V-Project Presentation Day!

The work of both of these students as well as past MQP projects can be found under Projects>MQP Opportunities> Past MQP Projects.

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