Srinivasan Lab Participates in Annual Touch Tomorrow Event

Srinivasan Lab Participates in Annual Touch Tomorrow Event

On June 11th, the lab joined forces with Dr. Dirk Albrecht’s lab to host an exhibit at WPI and NASA’s annual science and technology fair: Touch Tomorrow. The exhibit featured live C. elegans and visitors could observe and learn with them through hands on microscopes. The community was also introduced to the scientific tools that are used to study these animals including, behavioral assays, microfluidics, and molecular biology. Posters were hung around the room with current laboratory research featured, as well as some C. elegans basics. The exhibit was a part of the larger BBT/BME department endeavor hosted in Goddard Hall on main campus. We estimate that over 600 visitors came to see our display that day which was amazing! We had a great time interacting with the public and sharing our passion for our work. A special thank you to all of our student volunteers and the department for helping us host a successful exhibit!

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