Jie Fu
Assistant Professor
Research interests: Control theory, reinforcement learning, formal methods, and verifiable robotics.
PhD Students
Haoxiang Ma
Research Interest: Reinforcement Learning, Formal Method, Game Theory.
Xuan Liu
PhD Student
I received my bachelor's degree of Computer Science from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. And later Master of Computer Science in Intelligent Robotics from University of Southern California.
Research Area: Formal Method and Reinforcement Learning, Learning-based Synthesis, Optimal Control
Lening Li
PhD student
Research Area: Operations Research(optimization, probability theory, and game theory), Optimal Control, Inverse Optimal Control, Motion Planning and Formal Methods
Abhishek N. Kulkarni
PhD student
Research Interests: Reactive and Stochastic Games (Formal Methods with Robotics Applications), Motion Planning and Control.
Renato Gasoto
PhD Student
Zhentian Qian
Research interest: Semantic SLAM: integrate semantic information into simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) formulation.